Aarogya Setu v2-compressed

Aarogya Setu APK

Apps, Tools
Android 6.0 & Up
3.4 MB

Aarogya Setu APK

The latest Aarogya Setu APK is a file format that allows you to install the Aarogya Setu app on your Android device. Aarogya Setu is a mobile application developed by the Government of India to help citizens identify their risk of contracting COVID-19. Provide them with relevant information and guidance.

The app uses Bluetooth and GPS to track your proximity to other users. Who has tested positive for the virus or has symptoms? The app also provides you with self-assessment tools, COVID-19 statistics, and helpline numbers. You can download the Aarogy Setu APK from the Google Play Store or the official website.

Key Points of Aarogya Setu APK

Some of the key points of Aarogya Setu APK are:

  • Aarogya Setu APK is a file format that allows you to install the Aarogya Stu app on your Android device.
  • Aarogya Stu is a mobile application developed by the Government of India to help citizens identify their risk of contracting COVID-19. And provide them with relevant information and guidance.
  • The app uses Bluetooth and GPS to track your proximity to other users. Who has tested positive for the virus or has symptoms? The app also provides you with self-assessment tools, COVID-19 statistics, and helpline numbers.
  • The app has some additional features such as ABHA (Health ID) creation. Discovery and linking of health records, and consent management for sharing health records. A seamless search feature to find nearby hospitals, labs, and blood banks.
  • The app also facilitates the registration and download of the COVID-19 vaccine certificate.
  • The app has a completely revamped user interface and user experience and supports over 12 languages.


The app is open source and its code is available on GitHub. The app has been widely used by more than 11 crore users and has played a major role in identifying people with high risk of COVID-19 infection and potential COVID-19 hotspots.


Aarogya Setu APK is the Android application package of Aarogya Setu. A mobile app developed by the Government of India to help citizens identify their risk of contracting COVID-19. The app uses Bluetooth and GPS to track the user’s proximity to other users. Who has tested positive for the virus or has symptoms? Also provides information on the latest guidelines, advisories, and self-assessment tools.

The app is available in 11 different languages and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or the official website. The app is also compatible with iOS and KaiOS devices. Aarogya Stu APK is one of the initiatives taken by the Indian government to combat the pandemic and protect the health and safety of its citizens.

Additional Information

April 21, 2024
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